Why Choose BME?
Have an aptitude for math and science and an interest in medicine?
Biomedical engineering (BME) improves human health by applying engineering principles and methods to medical problems. Biomedical engineers might find themselves developing:
- Sensors that identify cancer biomarkers in blood
- A device that mimics the blood-brain barrier for use in drug testing
- Neural probes to treat Parkinson’s with deep-brain stimulation
- Computer models that suggest how complex proteins are assembled
- Waveforms to image the body with MRI
- Ultrasound therapies to treat tumors non-invasively
- Injectable stem-cell cultures to regenerate damaged tissue
Biomedical engineers need a solid foundation in the biological sciences as well as a firm grasp of engineering principles and techniques. It’s important for students to have access to interconnected engineering, medical, and business resources.
BME graduates are a special brand of engineer
About 30% of our undergraduates go on to a health profession (medical or dental school, etc) ; 20% will pursue some form of graduate education and approximately half of our graduating classes will pursue a full time job in government or industry. Michigan BME pairs a great, ABET accredited engineering education with experiences that also prepare our students to thrive in a medical setting. The BME Program at the University of Michigan will provide students with many important experiences, including:
- Laboratory research and instrumentation
- Design process
- Teamwork
- Technical communication
- Entrepreneurship
- Legal and regulatory issues
Guaranteed Funding
Entrepreneurs Welcome
Size = Reach
U-M has one of the largest BME graduate programs in the U.S. and has awarded more advanced degrees than any other BME department in the country. A Michigan BME degree not only distinguishes you in industry and academic circles but also connects you to a worldwide community of alumni.