
Deepak Nagrath Receives Rogel Scholar Award

Rogel Scholar Awards provide recognition and discretionary funds to support exceptional Rogel Cancer Center faculty members dedicated to the pursuit of research to advance understanding of the origins and behaviors of cancer.

Deepak Nagrath, Professor, Biomedical Engineering, has been named as a member of the Rogel Scholar Class of 2024, supported with funds provided by Richard and Susan Rogel. 

Rogel Scholar Awards provide recognition and discretionary funds to support exceptional Rogel Cancer Center faculty members dedicated to the pursuit of research to advance understanding of the origins and behaviors of cancer and to achieving impact on cancer prevention, patient outcomes and quality of life for cancer patients, survivors and those at risk of cancer.

Richard and Susan Rogel have committed much of their lives to providing opportunities to others, including students and medical researchers, through their donations. Their generosity extends from gifts of time and resources to sharing expertise and vision.